Thursday, February 7, 2013

Call me Meemz!


What is the significance of March 1, 2012? It just so happens to be the last post I 
wrote on this site. With a huge sense of gratitude to my 10 followers, most of 
whom probably just forgot they were following, I am venturing out again to 
revive this blog. 

If I imagine trying to recap the events since I last wrote, I am overcome by a 
most intense desire for a nap, so let's just start fresh with one big change in 
my life. Her name is Adeline and she is my first granddaughter. She is only
two weeks old, and I've only held her little swaddled self twice. I plan to 
make up for lost time when I go back to visit my son and his wife next week. 

I'm not really a "planner" but in preparation for my visit I have been practicing
sitting and rocking and staring. I know there are other duties I may be called 
on to perform, but that's how I plan to fill most of the time that I'm there. It's 
quite apropos that I'll be there on Valentine's day, because a new baby is the
best symbol I can think of to represent love. 

With your encouragement and support, I believe we can make this the year my
blog receives enough hits to allow me to work from home!

"Daughter" by Loudon Wainwright III -
