Sunday, March 13, 2011

unintended hiatus

To test the mettle of my intrepid band of followers, I haven't posted for about two weeks. If you're still with me, I applaud you and thank you!

I think there's an expression that "life get's in the way" and that's what has kept me from posting recently. This kind of life getting in the way is the good stuff, though. Listening to a dissertation defense, college spring break, even helping with a move to the Big Apple. Now that's livin'!

With two months of relatively uninterrupted time in my future, allow me to share with you my plan. I will make two sets of curtains, paint the hallway, re-paint the bathroom in a color that I like, organize 25 years of files, find my dream job, lose weight, clean the garage, start listing things on Ebay, take guitar lessons, and organize the shed. I'm sure there are a few things I've forgotten, but I have several to-do lists floating around that need to be condensed. 

By the way, in lieu of actually getting anything done, I highly recommend making a list. It is not only satisfying, it takes time that could otherwise be spent doing something on said list. It's a win-win!

Well, all for now. I will report on my progress from time to time. 

Copyright 2011 KKR

"Hammer and a Nail" - The Indigo Girls

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