Wednesday, February 9, 2011

where have you been, ms. kakiehokie?

I am now learning the hard lessons of the novice blogger. First of all, don't begin your blog by posting every day. Inevitably the number of ideas floating around in your head will ebb and flow and posting twice a week will seem much more sensible. If you are lucky enough to have any followers, you risk disappointing them. Then the day might come when you log onto your blog only to find that one of those little follower icons is conspicuously absent. I don't want to put pressure on any of you, but that would be devastating!!

The last week presented some time management challenges to me. Of course there was the Super Bowl, which we will not talk about. In addition, on Super Bowl Sunday, the coil in my oven burned up and I am attempting to fix it myself. I have the part in hand and have been told that it is relatively easy to replace. (normally, a sure sign that you should call an expert)  I keep forgetting that the oven is broken, though, and turn the burner on several times a day to heat up coffee water. I then yell at myself under my breath for forgetting. Last night I bought all the ingredients for chicken pot pie and then remembered that I had no way of baking it. And no, a nine inch pie does not fit in the toaster oven.

Add to this mix, some extra driving to pick up and deliver my son from college and you have the recipe for a neglected blog. When I first began posting, I told my dad I would never apologize for missing a day because it seems so lame to do so. I am now faced with a dilemma. I can't apologize for not having written since 2/4/11, but I want everyone to keep the faith. So, while there may now be fewer postings, I vow to make up for the deficit by delivering a better quality product. 

Umm..... this is not an apology, though, just an explanation.

Copyright 2011 KKR

1 comment:

  1. I've always believed in the mantra, "quantity over quality" as substance is highly overrated.

    As a consequence, I will be disappointed to see fewer posts.
