Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I have always been a huge fan of the exclamation point. In e-mails particularly, I overuse them to the extent that I have to proofread before pressing "send" to remove the unnecessary ones. I laughed when I read a quote from the very helpful site eHow stating that "The often overused exclamation point can add punch to a sentence when used judiciously."   Yeah, no kidding!! This is why I love the internet. You can find out ANYTHING there! 

I realized the other day how powerful punctuation can be. I had just finished writing and noticed that after clicking PUBLISH POST it said "Your blog post published successfully!" That little exclamation mark made me feel so proud. "They're right, I DID just successfully publish my post!" I said to myself. It was so satisfying, like a virtual high five. 

Copyright 2011 K.K.R.

Enjoy the link below...


  1. It sounds then like uses the exclamation point liberally. Similar in function to those outlets that give every child a trophy regardless of objective performance?

  2. I like to comment! I'm not kidding!!

  3. On the other hand, maybe we exclaim all the time when speaking and don't worry much about it.

    Also, we don't have enough written symbols to convey emPHAsis, or emotion and such. As a start, maybe we could invent a symbol for sarcasm.
