Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I missed an appointment today.

I finally went back to my contractor helper's job today after a month off.  The change in routine really threw me.  I was 7 minutes late and forgot to take my tool belt, goggles and gloves which I needed for my most favorite of tasks, demolition. Luckily, my boss doesn't mind loaning me the necessary equipment. I'm happy to report that the demo of a wall that had suffered water damage from a burst pipe went smoothly.

When I got home, one of the messages on my answering machine was from a doctor's office wondering if I'd like to reschedule the appointment I had missed. Ugh!! You see one of my organizational shortcomings is that I never write things on my calendar. I just try to keep them in my head, or write the information on whatever loose envelope happens to be laying on the kitchen counter. Obviously, this method has it's drawbacks. I called the office expecting to be met with a chilly reception and possibly even the expectation that I would pay for the missed appointment. The woman who answered couldn't have been nicer and she commiserated with my ramblings about just not being able to get my act together since the new year began.  After assuring her that I would not forget it a second time, I hung up thinking how differently I would have felt if she had been a jerk. She had the power to either make my day or ruin it and she chose the former. So thank you, (nice person whose name I forgot to ask), and I will try to "pay it forward".

I'm sure you are all waiting with bated breath to see if I finished the FAFSA form yesterday and the answer is a resounding and frustrated NO. When I went to the site, I was informed that my browsers were either not compatible or not updated. I then tried to update them to no avail. This is where computers and I just don't see eye to eye. I follow the prompts and things happen, like downloads or uploads or whatever, but the initial problem still remains. I'm still hoping the whole thing will magically resolve itself, but I think the FAFSA deadline is in February, so I can safely put that off until the night before it's due.

Copyright 2011 K.K.R.

Song for today - "I Got You" by Split Enz

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