Monday, January 17, 2011

The universe of the 3-year-old

Well, it didn't take long to see an example of parenting gone awry. At our local home improvement store this evening I saw a poor man pleading with his 3-year-old to "go pay for our things". The child was sitting on the floor in front of the plumbing aisle and he looked pretty comfortable and not at all in a hurry. As I walked past, I heard the dad calmly say again "let's go pay for our things, O.K.? Don't you want to go pay for our things?.... PLEASE????" I'm sorry to say that this pathetic scene is repeated many times each day across our great nation. And, I think it's time to spread the word to all young parents that they have the right, if not the duty, to take back their lives.

I was dying to see what tactic the dad would resort to in order to encourage his son to comply, be it the classic bribery of ice cream/ extra TV time/ latest popular action figure, or the empty threats of NO ice cream/  TV time/ latest popular action figure. However, not wanting to embarrass the man and possibly risk an escalation of the stand-off, I walked discreetly away toward the back of the store. I spent about 7 minutes looking around, but just had to see if they were still there. Much to my relief, they were nowhere in sight upon my return. My only regret is that the means by which the toddler was convinced to leave will forever remain a mystery.

Believe me, I can empathize with parents hoping to avoid a "scene" while out in public.  However, I think there is nearly universal agreement among professionals that children of all ages need limits to be healthy and happy.  So, "PLEASE!!!!!" all young parents out there, give your children the best parenting in the world by letting them know you're in charge.  One or two "scenes" could be infinitely preferable to a lifetime of caving in to your child's whims.  In fact, if you give your child healthy limits from birth, you may not have to worry about a "scene" at all!

Copyright 2011 K.K.R.

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