Tuesday, January 18, 2011

FAFSA hell

It's that time again, tax season, Valentine's day, and time to fill out the dreaded FAFSA form. For the uninitiated, FAFSA stands for  Free Application For Student Aid. College students must fill it out each year in order to apply for financial aid. They even have seminars at high schools to help first timers negotiate their way through the process, and thankfully, it's less complicated than it was 10 years ago. 

Anyway, I've been avoiding filling out the form for days now. (For anyone thinking that my son should be doing it instead of me, see my post from yesterday.) Actually, he would be happy to do it, but that would involve gathering all the pertinent information for him in some intelligible form and by then the deadline would be long gone. Organization is not my strong suit.

Writing this post, however, is giving me sweet respite from the task for just a few more minutes. I think many people suffer from avoidance of things like this, so I take comfort in this knowledge. I could really use a personal assistant to keep me in line, but that's a luxury I can't justify since I am only marginally employed as a contractor's helper.

Hmm......... I guess I have to go to the FAFSA web site now. Wish me luck!

Copyright 2011 K.K.R.

Oh, one more thing; a nice song for you called "Gentle Arms of Eden" by Dave Carter 
and Tracy Grammer ....


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